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Spring Break and Coachella Etiquette


Updated: Apr 25, 2019

It is Spring Break and Coachella season, so we are all giddy with drink in hand. Party! Party! Party!

Fly Girl Etiquette does Spring Break and Coachella

Don't get wasted! Keep the vomit to a minimum.

Spring break and spring music festivals are all about having a good time. The key is having a great time with some style and grace. Don't be rude, do not record dirty photos, and be safe. Follow my etiquette rules and you will look like a Fly Girl with etiquette AND get home safely.

  • When you are not around just your friends, only have 2 DRINKS

  • Keep your drink in hand

  • Say "excuse me" when you are in big crowds and at standing room only concerts

  • Cancel plans for nudies and wet T-shirt concerts--- LAME

  • Be polite to staff and tip well (18%- up)

Tell your friends you met a boo and you'll be back in the morning.

With luck you will meet a hottie, but don't just run off and not tell your friends the details. We hear too many stories of girls lost at vacation. As a Fly Girl you need to realize you are in charge of YOU. Before you run off with spring break bea follow these rules so your friends know where you are at all times:

Coachella Party Girl

  • Find out who you are meeting with.

  1. Name

  2. School/business

  3. Hotel he/she is staying

  • Leave a note for friends with where you will be via text or written note.

  • Say when you will be back. If it's in the morning who cares. No shame here. Just tell people see you in the AM.

  • Use protection. No one wants Spring Break baby or Coachella maybe.

Have Fun!

Watch my latest etiquette video on my video page.


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